Jonas Salk and the Polio Vaccine (Graphic Library) Paperback
Author: Katherine Krohn
Illustrated: Al Milgrom
Published: 2007
Publisher: Capstone
Format: Paperback
Pages: 32
Suitable: Primary / Junior Secondary
In graphic novel format, tells the story of Jonas Salk's involvement in the development of a polio vaccine.
'Jonas Salk And The Polio Vaccine" tells the story of the scientist who set out to stop a terrible disease that was affecting thousands of people each year. In dramatic, graphic novel format, this book shows the incredible time, patience, and care that went into the discovery of the polio vaccine.
Readers will also learn about the generous spirit of Jonas Salk, as he did all he could to make sure this life-saving vaccine was available to as many people as possible.
Code: 9780736896450