Margaret Mahy: The Greatest Show Off Earth (Hardback)

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Author: Margaret Mahy

Illustrator: Wendy Smith

Publisher: Penguin Group

Published: 1994

Format: Hardback

Pages: 198

Suitable: Upper Primary / Secondary

This book finds Mahy in an antic mode. It's a space farce featuring a couple of orphaned kids who escape a dour craft on which humor is abhorred as fatally dangerous.

Eventually, they discover the power of laughter and their missing relations in a cosmic circus that, Sleeping Beauty-like, has been dozing until it can be awakened by some well-timed jokes.

Along the way, Mahy makes comic use of the children's remarkable attributes (since Delphinium is a calculator and Jason a library, each is a fund of information, by turns handy or amusingly incongruous); concocts a gallery of extra-terrestrials that rivals the weirder inhabitants of Oz; and sports with words with her usual wit and aplomb (the arch-villain, Delphinium's former nanny Molly, is also known as La Mollerina, the Williwaw of the West).

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Code: 9780241001752

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